We need time to break away from everything. We need time to just “Wine Down” with “the girls”. We have been getting together virtually. The upside to this is it has afforded us the opportunity to include our other women of tenacity from across the country. We bring a wine glass and fill it with our beverage of choice. (even water). We have found everything tastes better in a wine glass. This is a time to just be ourselves and really get to know each other. We talk about books, apps, family or anything that comes up. We have furry family members who compete to steal the show. It is a wonderful time to just breathe and relax. This past month we had a very special guest bless us with her beautiful voice and music. We had none other than “ELLSWORTH” join us. What an amazing evening we had. Thank you for making our evening extra special Megan!

Check the NWiR calendar. There will be more Wine Down Wednesdays posted soon! The Pittsburgh Council welcomes anyone who would like to join us. You will see NWiR is about women supporting women even off the clock. Looking forward to meeting you soon!!