NWIR Events

NWIR provides numerous opportunities throughout the year for members to gather and network. Whether at the local level, at one of our regional events or at our annual conference, NWIR Days, our calendar of events has something for everyone. Click on any event on the calendar for more information. To submit an event for the calendar, e-mail Amy Penny at amy@nationalwomeninroofing.org

Industry Events

Come visit with NWIR at these 2025 industry events:

IRE | San Antonio, TX

IIBEC | Orlando, FL

NERCA Conference | Atlantic City

Roofing Day |Washington, DC

FRSA | Orlando, FL

WSRCA Expo | Las Vegas, NV

MRCA | Schaumburg, IL 

Metalcon | Las Vegas, NV


What is NWIR Days?

NWIR Days is the annual day-and-a-half conference where women (and men!) in the roofing industry gather for networking, timely education and a whole lot of fun!

This event is held just prior to the International Roofing Expo (IRE). Our next NWIR Days will take place January 17 - 18, 2026 at the in Las Vegas, NV.

For more info, visit our NWIR Days event site HERE.